Sunday, January 7, 2007

Chai, Rickshaws, and Coffee!

Namaste! We made it to the other side of the world three days ago. We arrived at 5:30 AM after a flight delay, and we were able to see the sunrise over the city from the back porch of our apartment. It was gorgeous and an amazing way to begin the journey. We rode rickshaws all over the city..haha, much better than a rollercoaster. Eating with your hands is much more efficent by the way. we rode for seven hours on a bus up to the coffee plantations Jamie looked out the window and said, "What kind of plants are those? Are they fruit trees?" and we yelled, "Aah, they're coffee plants!!!". I don't know if they had ever seen anyone so excited to see a plant. Well, the sun just went down behind the palm trees and back behind the mountains, so I better head back to the estate. :) .



suz said...

Ok, I must confess that I envy you three!

Artistic Culinary Baristas said...

we would envy us too.. haha. but we miss you there. hello to all.